As the old Latin saying goes, you should just pray for a healthy mind in a healthy body. Your health can be manifested through the natural glow of your skin and face, and there are some natural ways how to glow up.
You can glow up with a face massage, hydration cremes, natural face masks, and moisturizing.
However, it all comes down to knowing the right steps to get your face and skin the glow it deserves. To prevent you from being misled on these steps, we’ll guide you through the ways of getting that natural glowing face skin!
What Is A Glow Up?
Glowing up means using skincare products to give your skin a natural shiny glow. It’s not just about using facial products and treatments since glowing up can be manifested on your body’s skin as well.
This type of skin glow isn’t just about the physical appearance either – it also represents your health and state of mind. Positive people have this glow due to their positive thoughts, exercise, and diet.
You’ve probably noticed it before when someone seems generally happy and they have this sort of glow about them. That’s what we’re talking about here.
Getting enough so called beauty sleep is also crucial to maintaining both your mental and physical well-being, just as much as using skin care products and treatments. Luckily, there’s nothing you can’t do by yourself to get that glow and we’ll guide you through how to glow up.
Why Is Glow So Important?
Smooth skin isn’t just important for beauty. It can be a solid indicator of your physical and mental health, as numerous diseases and bad daily habits manifest on the skin. If your skin loses its natural glow, you might need to improve your self-care.
Also, if your facial skin loses its glow, it can represent a bad diet that you might be on. So, it’s also a sign to start making better diet decisions and focus on eating only healthy foods for a change.
Needless to say, glowing skin represents your energy.
You might have to change your sleeping habits and start getting in bed earlier to get your 8 hours of quality sleep. Overall, it’s all about having healthy habits in an effort to make your skin radiate again.
Of course, there are certain methods on how to glow up that we’ll discuss which could help you get that glow back. Still, a logical place to start would be by improving your immune system and daily habits to turn your life around, so you can glow up mentally and glow up physically.
How To Glow Up Mentally
If you are tired of your everyday issues and routine, you might be wondering how to glow up? Well, it also has a lot to do with your mental and spiritual condition, so perhaps the best first step would be to glow up mentally.
Here are some pieces of advice that could get you on the right track when it comes to achieving a mental glow:
- Relieve daily stress
- Implement positive thoughts and energy
- Try exercising or yoga for peace of mind
- Meditate
- Get quality sleep
Your mental health may be affected by these actions in more ways than you think, so it’s worth exploring them first before getting into skincare advice. After all, glow-ups represent a state of body and mind, so it makes sense to start with a mental glow first.
Try Stress Relief Methods
When you have a lot on your mind, it gets nearly impossible not to stress yourself out. Still, daily chores and work obligations are meaningless if you lose your patience and the glow of your skin because of it.
Be your best self and practice stress relief tactics to regain a sense of mental wellbeing. For instance, you can set up some personal time when you’ll just listen to music and practice deep breathing as a way of relieving stress.
On the other hand, you should also avoid spending too much time on your phone or tablet and enjoy nature and fresh air. Let yourself be immersed in your own ideas and keep asking yourself – how can it get even better for me?
Don’t try to blame yourself for the things that aren’t going so well in your life and focus on making everything better. That way you’ll regain confidence and it can truly affect your skin to glow up once again.
Positive Thoughts Can Change Everything
Your emotional health can be greatly influenced by the type of thoughts you have in your mind throughout the day. If you only have bad thoughts, chances are that you’ll need much more effort and patience to regain glowing skin.
Along with relieving from stressful thoughts, try to make a giant leap and only have positive thoughts in your mind. It will also generate positive energy that entices self-love and instant mental growth.
You can rely on the best personal development books to lead the way, or overcome any issue with positive affirmations. These can only boost your self-esteem and get you on the right track once again.
Try Yoga And Exercise Regularly
Did you know that regular exercise and yoga can improve your breathing and also your metabolism? If not, it’s about time that you start taking it seriously, since there are even more benefits with yoga and exercise.
Yoga also helps with pain relief so you can get some quality sleep and achieve a complete emotional transformation.
So, you will use the deep breathing techniques and relaxation that yoga provides to become a better form of yourself.
Regular exercise will surely lead to an improvement in your physical appearance which, in turn, can only help your mental state.
Meditation Is Important
Yet another way you can learn how to glow up is by meditation as this is in a way similar to yoga. It’s one of the best ways of improving your mental and emotional health.
So, how to glow up with meditation?
The good thing is that you don’t even have to practice real meditation. It’s enough to take a few moments daily, get in the meditating position, and start breathing deeply and focusing on your thoughts.
Focus on eliminating all of the negative thoughts and voices from your mind. Taking a few moments to think while meditating can help improve your self-awareness and therefore reduce the stress in intense situations.
Quality Sleep Affects Mental Health
One of the best self-care glow-ups you can implement in your daily routine is making a sleep schedule. It might sound odd at first, but most people tend to forget the hours when your mind truly rests and generates melatonin.
Melatonin is a crucial hormone that entices happy thoughts and managing to get your 7 or 8 hours of quality sleep every night is crucial.
Try getting to bed at least 8.5 hours before you need to get up to allow yourself time to fall asleep.
Ways Of Achieving Physical Glow Ups
Getting your skin to glow won’t happen overnight, and your mental preparation is just the first step on the way to achieving it.
Here are some of the best natural ways you can rely on for getting more energy and that instant glow on your skin:
- Regular facial skincare treatments
- Cleansing your skin
- Using hydration cremes and balms
- Getting facial massage
- Buy or make a skincare mask
Generally speaking, you might need to blend all of these treatments into a single skincare routine. They can help you achieve and maintain smooth skin and naturally glow up within just weeks from when you start.
Make sure that you are getting enough sleep and that you are eating healthy food as well since these can be crucial for the success of physical treatments for regaining your skin’s glow.
Facial Skincare Treatments
Your facial skincare routine might be one of the best glow-up methods you can use to do yourself and your skin a favor. There are different types of treatments you can use, and they range from cleansing to exfoliating.
These treatments are also great for sensitive skin, so you won’t have to bother thinking about the consequences of skin irritation.
Here are the steps you might want to consider for a complete home facial skincare treatment:
1) Steaming Treatment
The essential part of your facial skincare routine should be steaming. Steaming helps to open up your pores so you can more easily remove any oils and dirt, it also allows your skin to breathe. By doing this, you will help remove all the unwanted substances and buildups from your skin’s pores.
On top of that, you’ll get the benefit of the warm steam passing through your respiratory system.
You should be able to accomplish this by pouring some boiling water in a bowl and getting close to the steam for around 5 minutes straight while taking some deep breaths.
2) Debris Extraction
Once your pores are open, it’s a perfect time to continue with the treatment and clean your facial skin free of all the dirt and debris. To do so at home, I’d recommend getting some facial cleaning wipes.
Doing this and eating healthy foods can really make a difference in your skin, especially if you suffer from acne prone skin which often times can be caused by a combination of oil buildup and poor diet.
3) It’s Time For Exfoliating
If you thought that you need to visit a spa center or a dermatologist for a proper exfoliating experience, you might be surprised about what a DIY treatment can do. You can give yourself an exfoliating treatment at home by buying a kit or make your own with just a few household items.
Exfoliating is important as it removes all the dead skin from your face, and it makes a perfect skincare routine continuation from the previous step.
You can use everyday items like organic brown sugar and extra virgin olive oil.
Mix a tablespoon of brown sugar with some olive oil to use it as an exfoliator. You don’t even have to use a sponge – you can apply this exfoliator on your facial skin with fingers.
The trick is to rub it in a circular motion and repeat the process for at least 5 minutes to remove all the dead skin. The important part is to use lukewarm water to wash off the exfoliator and the residue from your skin.
This is one of the best methods you can use to glow up physically and it makes a huge difference on any skin type. You should get that glowy facial skin look right after this treatment.
4) Use A pH Restoration Toner
Once you are done exfoliating, make sure to apply a thin layer of pH restoration toner that will shrink your pores and restore the pH of your skin. It’s essential to end your daily routine with a gentle pH restoration toner that will help to renew the acid mantle of your skin so it can fight off bacteria.
Use Skin Cleansing Products
If you want to restore the natural body glow, it’s not just enough to apply a weekly facial treatment. You should use gentle skin cleansing products to regain this glow of your skin in general.
Some of the best natural cleansers you can use for facial and body skin are honey and yogurt.
You can mix up a tablespoon of honey with a little bit of cinnamon and a few lemon drops. The mix will serve perfectly as a deep cleanser if you rub it on your skin and let it dry for a while.
It will cleanse the skin and act similarly to a hydration creme as well. You can wash it off with hot or cold water, it doesn’t make much difference with this cleanser.
Another option that replaces expensive beauty products is a mixture of yogurt and gram flour. This mixture can be used after the honey and cinnamon, as it’s rich in nutrients and will feed your skin with much-needed minerals.
Combining the two will make an ultimate solution for helping to remove acne scars and keeping your skin hydrated and shiny.
Hydration Cremes And Balms
After all the skin treatments that we’ve gone through, your skin could use some hydration balm or creme. You can either use commercial balms or make one yourself with the right ingredients.
First off, you’ll need aloe vera as the main ingredient for your face balm. You can use aloe vera right after exfoliating, or after the cleansing routines we mentioned. It almost rejuvenates your skin and gives it back the natural shiny glow.
The regenerative properties of aloe vera are also used widely in commercial hydration cremes, but it’s easy enough to make your own for home use. Adding a bit of almond oil, vitamin E, and shea butter will make a wonderful DIY hydration balm.
You can also opt for a 100% aloe vera gel. It’s a natural gel made completely of aloe vera and is a better option than other gels and mixtures that only have a small percentage of aloe vera in them.
Using it after exfoliation won’t clog your pores, rather it will have a soothing effect that should calm your skin and prevent any acne or irritation which is important as you try to figure out how to glow up..
Facial Massage As A Part Of Skincare Routine
A massage can make your skin absolutely glow, even though you might not expect it at first. Facial massages can have numerous positive effects on your skin, including preventing acne and improving your facial blood flow, and it even has an anti-aging effect according to some studies.
There’s no need to visit a masseuse to get your facial massage as you can do it by yourself from the comfort of your home. Just use your fingers to gently massage your face.
You will also need massage oil, which can be either coconut oil or argan oil. These will also have a positive healing effect on your skin. You should repeat the circular motion from your chin area to your forehead.
It’s crucial to massage all the facial muscles and gently press them while using the oil. Repeat the circular motions with a thumb and softly press the cheeks with the palm of your hand until you get that comforting and relaxing feeling.
Use A Facial Mask
If you want to get glowing skin as fast as possible, you could apply a skincare face mask.
Some of the best ingredients for making your own face mask are oats, honey, citrus, and buttermilk.
You can also use an avocado mask with a bit of oat powder and honey mixture. Smash them all together and apply them to your face for a rejuvenating effect.
Honey masks are the most popular ones you can make yourself, and different combinations include mixing it with chamomile tea, turmeric, and some banana. Try a different combination for your face mask to see what works best for your skin.
A Few Additional Pieces Of Advice
All of these methods of how to glow up mean nothing if you don’t sleep enough and diet properly.
You should avoid eating junk food. Make a printable planner and arrange your daily routine towards healthier habits. Try to eat healthy fats so your brain can function properly.
Exercising regularly can help you lose weight so you can wear clothes that make you feel more confident in yourself.
Water intake is also important to stay hydrated at all times, so make sure you drink about two liters every day.
Finally, you should always remove makeup before sleeping, as leaving it on could ruin your efforts to get radiant skin.
Final Thoughts
Being the best version of yourself and repeating at least one healthy habit that we mentioned should get you on the right track to getting glowing and radiant skin. Luckily, you don’t have to pay top dollar for luxurious spa centers and treatments, as most of the efforts can be done from home.
With a healthy diet and positive thoughts combined with the skincare techniques we discussed, you should be able to glow up in no time. Always remember that your physical glow also reflects how you feel inside, so do your best to glow up both physically and mentally!
After reading this, hopefully you are no longer wondering how to glow up but instead have a plan in place to start getting your radiant glow back.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
How do I make my face glow naturally?
To get the facial glow of a movie star, you can rely on natural face masks, skincare treatments, and hydration balms. Exfoliating and steaming are also important as your pores will open and all the bad residue from your skin can be removed. Getting a face massage can also help in the journey, along with using coco oil or argan oil.
What are some bad habits that could prevent you to glow up?
Leading an unhealthy life is the main reason why your skin might lose its glow. Smoking can also have a bad effect on the skin, as well as eating junk food and not getting enough sleep.
How can I get my skin to glow in 7 days?
Gaining your glow back is a marathon, and it can take more than just 7 days to do so. Follow our guide on some natural ways to glow up and firmly stick to a healthy diet and way of life to get your skin to glow as fast as possible.
What should you drink before bed for glowy skin?
Make sure you are drinking plenty of water before going to sleep as it can help your skin stay hydrated and eventually result in glowy skin. However, you should also drink fresh juices, coconut water, and green tea if you want to get the most out of the liquids that could make your skin glow.
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