Sneaker Ball Attire Ideas

When you’re invited to a sneaker ball for the first time, you might be confused about the dress code. Don’t let the casual shoes throw you off. A sneaker ball is still a semi-formal or formal event that’s likely to have a strictly enforced dress code, especially if it’s being held for students or teenagers. These types of events are also popular as fundraisers since wearing everyday shoes can break up some of the tension of a formal event.

At a sneaker ball, you’re still expected to wear a cocktail dress, suit, or other appropriate attire from the ankle up. Sneakers might not be a regular part of your wardrobe, but a sneaker ball is a fun way to indulge your fashion sense without spoiling a special event with jeans and t-shirts.

Sneaker Ball Dresses

Ladies can wear nearly any type of dress to a sneaker ball while still looking trendy and chic. It’s all about choosing the right combination. If you’re all about color, pick out two complementary neon shades to really make your outfit pop. Pair a bright pink gown with bright teal shoes, or mix neon purple with green.

Bright Pink Gown In Sneaker Ball Dresses

You can also choose to coordinate your shoes with your dress, whether you’re wearing something more subdued like black, or a brighter shade like baby blue. For a slightly different look, you can also match your dress to your socks while wearing shoes in a neutral shade like black or white. 

If you don’t want to pick a shorter dress to show off your sneakers, consider wearing a dress with a long slit. This will allow you to show off your footwear without sacrificing the length you want.  

Sneaker Ball Outfits

If a cocktail dress isn’t your thing, you can also wear skirts to a sneaker ball without running afoul of the dress code. While some ladies are more comfortable in jeans and t-shirts, this is still a somewhat formal event, so your attire should reflect that.

Sneaker Ball Outfits

For skirts, you can wear everything from a puffy tutu to a dramatic black skirt with sequins. Just be careful of the length since any skirts that are too long could cover up your footwear. Sneakers even match short skirts if you’d rather push the upper limit of the dress code.

For women who don’t like either of those options, you can go with a suit instead for an edgy, striking style. Look for pants that are cut off at Capri or ankle length to fully showcase your sneakers. Wider pant legs or tapered ankles also do an amazing job of advertising your shoes.

What To Wear In Colder Weather

If you’re attending a sneaker ball in the colder months, you can add a jacket, wrap, or shawl that appeals to the same formal-but-not-formal style. This is even more important if you’ll be spending time outdoors or part of the event will be in an open-air space.

Sneakers Partner With Leather Jacket

A leather jacket is a trendy idea that can keep you warm, or you can bring a matching blazer or bomber jacket. The rules here are less strict because you need to balance both your outfit and the sneakers.

How To Find The Right Sneakers

You don’t have to break the bank to show off your style at a sneaker ball. While you might enjoy going to a store in person to try on different styles, there are also plenty of affordable options on Amazon and other sites if you’d rather have them delivered to your door. The only risk of ordering online is that you won’t always be able to predict your size. Even if you usually wear the same size in all your shoes, you can never be sure until you try them on for yourself.

The sneakers you choose don’t have to be the most expensive ones. After all, a pair of Air Force 1s might cost over $100, and then you still have to buy a dress or a suit to match. Instead, focus on finding the perfect shoes that show off your style and match the color of your outfit for the night. A sneaker ball is all about having the right look.

Find The Right Sneakers

Depending on how your dress or outfit is cut and the overall length, you might look incredible in high tops or basketball shoes. Other outfits will look better with shorter styles. Just remember to always have your sneakers in mind while buying a dress or suit since it’s far more difficult to find a pair of shoes that matches after the fact.

Final Thoughts

Even though a sneaker ball dress has informal shoes, don’t be fooled. It’s still a semi-formal or formal affair, complete with dresses, suits, and other trendy outfits. Women don’t need to wear dresses as a rule, however. Plenty of people choose skirts or suits instead to show off their unique styles.

Cold weather gives you even more opportunities to accessorize. From leather jackets to sequined shawls, you can get away with even more casual outerwear as long as it highlights your outfit and keeps you warm. 

While you’re choosing accessories and shoes, don’t get too caught up on what you’re supposed to do. Instead, just have fun and don’t pay too much attention to the fashion rules. Just make sure you aren’t breaking any actual rules of the event, and you’ll be well on your way to an amazing sneaker ball.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

What Kind Of Socks Should I Wear To A Sneaker Ball?

It can be risky to pair long socks with a skirt or dress since it can change how people view the length of your outfit. Long socks may make dresses and skirts seem shorter than they are or out of proportion, so it’s safer to go with ankle socks when you get ready for the ball.

Can You Wear White Sneakers All Year?

Yes, you can absolutely wear white sneakers all year. Don’t let old-fashioned beliefs about a certain color ruin your dream look. White sneakers match well with almost any color without seeming too bright or flashy. A pair of white sneakers is also a great way to offset a brighter color in your suit or dress.

Can You Wear Other Shoes To A Sneaker Ball?

Sneakers are an essential part of a sneaker ball, so you can expect that part of the dress code to be strictly enforced. It may not make fashion sense to you, or maybe you just love high heels, but try to have fun at this unique type of event and enjoy your ability to dance all night without worry.

Maya Garcia
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